A Study of Selected Succession Planning Indicators in Iranian State-Owned Enterprises Based on High-Performance Work Systems (Case Study: National Iranian Oil Company)


    Abbas Karami Department of Public Administration, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran.
    Ghanbar Amirnejad * Department of Public Administration, Tehran science of Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. g.amirnejad@yahoo.com
    Ali Reiss pour Department of Management and Accounting, Ramhormoz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ramhormoz, Iran.
    Ezat Ollah Kiyani Department of Public Administration, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran.


Talent identification, Job placement, Succession planning, Continuous organizational learning, Knowledge management


Objective:  The purpose of this study was to investigate selected succession planning indicators in Iranian state-owned enterprises based on high-performance work systems, with a focus on the National Iranian Oil Company in 2022.

Methodology: The study is developmental in terms of purpose and employs a qualitative and mixed-methods approach in terms of data type. The indicators were derived from 32 articles related to the research topic and through expert consultation using the Delphi method. The statistical population in the Delphi phase included organizational experts, academic faculty members, and managers of state-owned enterprises and the National Iranian Oil Company. Data collection was conducted using a questionnaire. The initial expert questionnaire consisted of 89 items and was refined with guidance from the research supervisor and advisor in two rounds involving a specialized panel of 20 members. To ensure the accuracy of findings, content validity was employed, and the kappa coefficient was used for reliability. Each item was designed on a five-point Likert scale: strongly agree (5), agree (4), neutral (3), disagree (2), and strongly disagree (1). Data analysis was performed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods with SPSS software version 26.

Findings: The research results identified succession planning indicators based on a competency system. These included talent identification and job placement, which encompassed the indicators of social prestige, talent evaluation, and talent identification. They also included development and cultivation of selected successors, which encompassed the indicators of career advancement pathway design, external training programs, continuous organizational learning, promoting a culture of succession planning, knowledge management in leadership and management, and on-the-job training.

Conclusion: This study highlights the critical role of competency-based succession planning in fostering organizational effectiveness within state-owned enterprises. By identifying and categorizing key indicators such as talent identification, job placement, and the development of successors, the research provides a structured framework for implementing high-performance work systems. The findings emphasize the importance of integrating strategic talent management practices, continuous learning, and knowledge management to ensure sustainability and competitiveness in dynamic organizational environments. These insights can serve as a foundation for further research and practical applications in succession planning strategies.


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How to Cite

A Study of Selected Succession Planning Indicators in Iranian State-Owned Enterprises Based on High-Performance Work Systems (Case Study: National Iranian Oil Company). (2025). Management Strategies and Engineering Sciences, 7(1), 24-33. https://doi.org/10.61838/msesj.7.1.4

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